
In June 2023, Mike Glavin wrote a blog entitled Beyond My Relationship With A Phonic Fairy.

A link to it can be found here

Since then he has engaged with ten schools in Wales to:

Data is being used to measure the impact on standards.

The relevant baseline assessment was used for each year group i.e. reception baseline for reception, Y1 baseline for year one pupils and Y2 baseline assessment for Year 2 pupils. 

This has enabled a comparison to be made between the phonic standards in each school with the expected standard in England.

Baseline data had been collected for:

In addition, the participation of a Welsh medium school in the research project has provided baseline data for all its pupils from Y3 to Y6.

The baseline assessment with be repeated in late June/early July to demonstrate the impact on attainment in phonics in each year group in each school.

There are three aspects to exploring the enablers and barriers to the scheme having impact on phonic standards.

  1.     Network

Network meetings are being held every six weeks. These are designed to:

2.    Questionnaire 

The questionnaire was completed by each school in March. It was designed to capture:

3.      School Visits

Visits will be made to each school in late June/early July. These will be designed to explore specific areas in more depth. The areas will be identified through the network meetings and questionnaire.

Selection of DFE Validated Scheme

This study does not compare the different DFE validated phonics schemes. The author selected Monster Phonics for the following reasons:

Mike will write up this action research and share.

If you would like to know more about Monster Phonics:

If you would like to know more about this research project, contact mike.